Harness your grit.
Trust Your gut.

Even the most capable of people struggle with doubt - costing themselves and their organizations time, money, and opportunities. I provide an approach to help you harness your grit and trust your gut so you can defeat doubt, gain confidence, and achieve your goals.

Despite encountering doubt on my journey, I’ve gone from an executive assistant to the CEO of an Inc. 5000 organization through perseverance and trusting my intuition. And, for over 10 years, I’ve coached others to succeed by doing the same. Here’s how I help you harness your grit and trust your gut:


Boss Babe . Co-Host. CEO. Speaker. Consultant. Wife & Mother.

I am a growth-minded driver and a process savant. I love taking chaos and transforming it into systems, and creating flow that facilitates growth.

I’m winning when those around me are winning. Helping others to achieve their ultimate goals - that’s my jam! And I fight like hell for flexibility, culture, and results.

In 2005, I jumped off the hamster wheel - quitting a job I loved to raise my daughter. I had no clue what I was going to do, but I knew the rat race wasn’t it. I crossed paths with a scrappy startup called BELAY during the middle of a recession. As BELAY’s first employee and virtual assistant – and then onto serve as Director, Vice President, President, COO, and now CEO - I’ve learned a lot about perseverance and owning your journey. If opportunity does not come knocking - go build a door!

Creating a life I love is my end goal. I work to live, I don’t live to work. I’ve spent the last decade walking the walk of what we call the Third Option: cultivating a harmonious life with a successful career. Or what I call refusing to give my family the leftovers and having plenty of energy left for them. Being a present parent - and a cool mom - is priority #1 for me.

When I’m not working on my dream, you can find me cooking, listening to rap, snuggling with Roxy (my fur-baby), beaching it, and telling the kind truth.


You want to be better tomorrow than you are today. We all do. And I’m here to help you rise to the occasion, to evolve as a person. When you give up on you - I won’t. 

- T


remote work COnsulting

I have been privileged to help thousands of business leaders achieve new levels of success by leveraging the support of remote work specialists. Ready to discover what I’ve learned over the past 10+ years about how to grow a thriving organization … and how to do it 100% remotely?


leadership coaching

Under my leadership, BELAY has landed on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies and Best Places to Work list multiple times. I understand the value of high performing people and teams. Organizational culture and health are key drivers of success. Ready to learn the secrets to building a kick-ass team and rallying your people around the values and goals of your organization?


1:1 Mentoring

Self-doubt can leave you unsure of what to do next or where to start, making you feel stuck, frustrated, self-conscious, and maybe even anxious. I understand how you feel because I’ve been there. But I’ve learned from first-hand experience that you don’t have to wait until you’re doubt-free to act confidently and courageously. Ready to unlock my proven framework for moving past doubt and achieving your goals?

Rise Up

& Lead Well: How Leveraging An Assistant Will Change Your Life & Maximize Your Time

In my new book, Rise Up and Lead Well: How Leveraging An Assistant Will Change Your Life & Maximize Your Time, I seek to help others understand leading is not a solo sport. By taking the perspective of both sides of the desk, there’s a better way: work hard and make hard decisions. Delegate or die. Theory says you can have a better life. I say taking action and getting out of your own way will get you there.

listen to the
one next step podcast

I have the pleasure of taking the culmination of my experience and talking through it with my best friend and co-host on The One Next Step Podcast. We interview some of the most successful and insightful entrepreneurs in the game with the sole purpose of helping business owners and leaders discover the next baby step that can help take their company to the next level. Incremental change is the only change their is. We’re just looking for progress, not perfection.


Stay In Touch With Me

Motivation, behind the scenes, stories, the One Next Step Podcast and more.


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